Hello World

My name is Shamus Collins. My wife came across a blog entitled "Creative Journey" by an artist named Myrna Wacknov. There is a link on that blog to another blog Myrna has created entitled "Drawn to the Mirror" and this is my point of interest. Myrna has set forth to create 365 days of self portraits that began on Jan. 1st. Well I am starting a little after the first of the year but I am going to make the same goal for myself. This sounds like a fun and inspirational way to force creativity. Let the fun begin.

Friday, June 4, 2010

130 Start-To-Finish

I think it's kind of beautiful to see a piece from start to finish. That is why I decided to sketch this one. It shows what one of my sketches looks like from the beginning to the end all in the same piece. It intentionally is incomplete on the left and finished on the right. As you read the entire piece you realize the potential for the simple lines at the start. Though crude and irregular they could be much more with a little work. So true with many aspects of life. A little love and time can change a lot of things.


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